Road repairs and maintenance are major expenses for any landowner. Good roads benefit both the landowner and leaseholders, so soterra ask all uses to "tread lightly" on recreational leases. Soterra also recommends matching the type of vehicles to the condition of the roads, and always using the lightest vehicle for the situation. For example, one must use a tractor while planting food plots, but a hunter can choose to use a light ATV to get to that same plot. Similarly, if road type can normally sustain light-vehicle traffic but recent weather has the roads saturated., Soterra suggest that the leaseholder use a light ATV to avoid causing excess damage to the wet roads. To further that, there are likely some roads that should be avoided during certain times of the year. In those areas, leaseholders should consider walking to minimize the chance of damaging the roadbed. Lessee also specifically acknowledges that the roads on the property are leased AS-IS with no guarantee of maintenance or access to all parts of any particular tract.